2008年11月15日 星期六

捷克 - 布拉格 之節目、食物和街頭照

森綠第一天到布拉格便十分喜愛當地的建築物、街頭氣氛、當地的一切。到步後,我們便見當地復活節的Festival Fair,氣氛熱鬧,又有很多當地的手工藝品以及食物,比較難忘便是當日的烤豬肉包以及蜜糖餅-Honey Waffle超好吃! 那2位老闆還十分友善,還擺姿勢給我們拍照。原來捷克人都喜歡烤豬,在街頭見到整隻烤豬的過程,有點像中國的燒豬,不過他們的較鹹且韌,都是我們的中國燒豬好吃 :) 只是那個Festival Fair便夠我們逛了半天。


當晚我們也買了演奏票聽教堂演奏樂(Prague Brass Ensemble),他們雖然不是國際知名的樂團,但很好聽,氣氛、環境一流,建議大家到布拉格可以聽一次教堂演奏樂 :) 右圖便是聽教堂演奏樂的地方-St. Nicolas Church。

我們去歐洲的一年剛巧是慶祝莫札特150周年,而莫札特曾住布拉格,所以在他的住處(Bertramka,見左圖)也有舉行演奏,我們當然也有聽,不過可能自己不太懂聽,到最後有點意悶 :p

1 則留言:

匿名 提到...

I'd like to inquire about doing a sponsored blog post - about 150-300 words that talks a little bit about cars and automobiles and links back to our site http://www.infinitiom.com/. We are a car dealership and thought we might be a good fit for your readers/visitors on http://travel.sumlook.com

Here's a list of some blog post titles we've done in the past:
- What To Look For When Buying A New Car
- 2012 Cars That Look Good And Saves You Gas
- Reasons Why Buying New Cars Is Better Than Used

Our budget is around $15 for the post. Is this something you'd be open to?

Also we might be interested in a small banner ad if the price is right.
Our budget is $40/year - something like this:

Let me know if you'd be open to either or both of these.

Also if you have some other sites just send them over and we might be
interested in doing a sponsored post on there as well!

